Unusual apparel for unusual people.

Old art. New style. A fresh fit for men, women, cryptids, unspeakable horrors, and all manner of creatures known and unknown.

The best of fashionable apparel that probably isn't cursed.

Our products mostly do not contain ancient inscriptions or hidden sigils which could open gateways to strange and hidden dimensions. By purchasing our products you are most likely not entering into a soul-binding agreement with any type of demon or enchanter. And our stickers are not at all like catnip for any form of malicious faerie. But our lawyers have asked us to clearly state that this list of our products' many advantages does not constitute a legal guarantee.

The Vergleichende Osteologie Collection

When it comes to vintage illustrations of bones, we couldn't just choose one. Die Vergleichende Osteologie, published in 1821, features masterful animal biology etchings by Edouard d'Alton, illuminating the skeletal anatomy of your favorite creatures. We had some trouble narrowing down our favorites, so instead we have a whole collection, with each illustration neatly framed and labeled. Discover the cartoonish skull of the echidna, the absurd fluff of the emu, the strange snoot of the tapir, and many more.

Shop the Collection